Symptoms of worms in an adult

Abdominal pain is one of the first symptoms of a worm infection.

Helminthiasis is one of the most unpleasant and vile diseases. Parasites live in the human body, poison the body and cause chronic diseases. You can get sick for years without knowing it - this stage of helminthiasis is called an erased course.

Due to the inability to completely prevent the entry of worms into the body, it is necessary to recognize the symptoms they cause, not only in childhood but also in adulthood.

The first symptoms

The main danger of the disease in the first stage is that it is quite difficult to detect parasites. The symptoms often coincide with the causes of other diseases.If you find the following sensations and signs, it is recommended that you be tested for helminths:

  • unreasonable increase in temperature;
  • lymph nodes are unusually enlarged;
  • aching pain in muscle tissue and aching pain in joints;
  • teeth and skin turn yellow;
  • anal itching;
  • increased appetite;
  • rashes appear periodically on the skin;
  • swelling in the feet, arms and toes;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain and gas;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • frequent snoring;
  • insomnia or disturbed sleep.

Symptoms similar to a 70% probability signal an invasion. You should immediately consult your doctor and do an analysis for the presence of parasites.

Important!Even if a medical examination of the stool and blood has not shown the presence of worms, you should still take the medication recommended by the doctor. Analyzes are not always able to detect helminths the first time.


The gastrointestinal tract is the main residence of parasites, although they can spread to any internal organ. By knowing what symptoms exist, you can successfully narrow down the list of helminth species that have been placed in the body. What signs define worms in the gastrointestinal tract?

  • One of the symptoms is joint and muscle pain.
  • Fever condition.
  • Weakened immunity and the development of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The total number of eosinophils (a subtype of white blood cells) in the blood becomes larger.
  • Allergic reactions occur.

Tapeworms provoke the appearance of manifestations similar to those characteristic of nematodes.If you find such signs, you should consult your doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination for different types of parasites.

The presence of parasites in the body provokes fever and intestinal problems


No less dangerous are the parasites that have settled on the respiratory system. In some species, the developmental cycle necessarily involves the passage of larvae through the lungs of the host. They then return to the gut through the mouth when swallowed.Possible signs:

  • First of all there are chest pains and tingling sensations.
  • It becomes difficult to breathe: a person is accompanied by shortness of breath and choking attacks.
  • There is a lung infection with parasites on the background of an unpleasant and weakened condition of the whole organism.
  • Body temperature rises rapidly.
  • In the morning the patient wakes up from cough attacks with sputum.
  • There are problems with the visual organs.
  • The person suffers from multiple allergies.
  • Infected people lose their appetite. There are signs of toxin poisoning.
  • Increased headache.
  • Vomiting and nausea.


In the largest human gland, which performs many important functions, worms are also located. They disrupt his work, causing dangerous diseases.The following manifestations may occur:

  • Due to the activity of parasites, anemia develops. Hemoglobin concentration and total erythrocyte volume decrease. Attention is not focused. The patient gets pale skin and gets tired quickly from any activity.
  • The chair is liquefied.
  • Symptoms such as swelling and itching appear.
  • The whole body feels pain.
  • The patient has a fever and begins to lose weight rapidly.
  • A person infected with worms is constantly sick and vomiting.
  • Significant deterioration of appetite.
  • It seems that the liver has become larger in size.
  • Severe nettle rash.
  • The patient looks sick.

Important!In advanced cases, parasites in the liver lead to nerve disorders, duodenal ulcers, irritability, headaches and other dangerous consequences.

Ascaris - worms that cause inflammation of the upper respiratory tract

Eyes or brain

An extreme danger to human life and health represent the worms that have chosen the organs of sight and the brain as the habitat. Timely diagnosis of parasites in these places will avoid brain damage and blindness.

  1. Eye damage is manifested as follows:
    • Inflammation of the conjunctiva due to larvae trapped in it.
    • The eyelids swell like a boil.
    • The patient feels something moving in the eye.
    • Elongated ornate lines appear on the skin of the eyelids.
    • Conjunctivitis is one of the consequences of parasite infection of the visual organs.
  2. Brain damage is expressed as follows:
    • Nervous tension and breakdown.
    • Sleep problems that lead to persistent insomnia.
    • It became difficult to drink alcohol. Taking strong drinks causes severe headaches.
    • The back of the head and temples are the main sites of pain.
    • Depression does not stop and only gets worse.
    • During a headache, the parasite infected person is constantly sick and wants to vomit.
    • Unexpected eye problems begin.

Only a qualified physician can accurately determine the diagnosis. In addition to therapeutic and hospital examination, the patient is advised, if possible, to contact specialized laboratories for the diagnosis of parasites.

The most common symptoms

Many signs of infection are common to most roundworms or tapeworms. After identifying the main consequences, it is worthwhile to move on to identifying a specific type of parasite for effective treatment with an appropriate medication. Possible symptoms of helminthiasis:

  • A rash on the skin is one of the main signs of a parasitic infestation. They can be common acne, chiria, papilloma, urticaria or eczema spots.
  • Chronic cough does not go away after taking antibiotics and expectorants.
  • Reduced immunity does not allow the patient to come out of a persistent cold condition.
  • The movement of worms inside the body causes severe joint pain.
  • Blockage from large helminths of the rectum, pancreas and gallbladder is expressed with constipation and bloating.
  • Increased nervous activity causes teeth grinding.
  • Problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract cause irritability.
  • Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract is associated with runny nose, pneumonia and other diseases. Especially such symptoms are characteristic of diseases with strechiloidiasis (intestinal acne) and ascariasis (roundworm).
  • Metabolic disorders and poisoning by the products of worm activity cause a chronic depressive state.

The symptoms will allow an experienced therapist to distinguish parasitic infection from diseases that have similar signs. During the active phase of reproduction, the diagnosis is clarified with the help of tests.

To prevent worms from entering the baby's body, you must follow the rules of hygiene

Symptoms of infection in children

Helminths are very dangerous to young representatives of the human race. Early detection of parasites in children is essential for their healthy development. Sometimes the marks of worms on a child's body seem quite harmless, so parents should be extremely careful.

  • If the baby snores in sleep and sleeps poorly, you should think about the presence of worms in the fragile body. They affect brain tissue, causing nervous reactions.
  • General and local manifestations of an allergic reaction are also characteristic of the invasion. Giardia causes these common reactions: cracked nails, bronchial asthma, rhinitis. Local reactions are in such signs: itchy skin, dry cough and asthmatic spasms.
  • The consequences of a weakened immune system in children are inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis), lesions of the oral mucosa (stomatitis), inflammatory processes in the female organs (vulvovaginitis) and bacterial vaginosis.
  • Ascariasis and diphyllobothriasis (broadband) cause aggression and irritability in children. This occurs due to poisoning of the brain with poisonous waste.
  • Hormones produced by some types of parasitic worms cause malabsorption of fluids in the gastrointestinal tract. This leads to bowel movements and diarrhea.

If a person has worms, what symptoms can be detected regardless of age? From depression and allergies to severe diseases of the internal organs, disorders of the brain and nervous system.Children are particularly susceptible to the negative effects of parasites.In infants, chronic poisoning with toxic residues of various worms causes mental disorder and developmental delay.

The first symptoms should be an alarm signal for the need for urgent diagnosis and proper treatment of an established disease. Once the body is saved from the presence of helminths in time, the patient will soon recover and return to the joy of life.

Timely medical consultation will help determine the exact type of helminths, which will accurately describe effective treatment procedures.