Worms: 10 ways of infection and treatment options

How to remove parasites from the human body with tablets - quickly, safely and effectively? This is an urgent issue not only in the treatment of childhood helminthiasis. The problem of parasitic infection is important for an adult who needs effective treatment no less than children.

a woman has symptoms of infection of the body with parasites

How does the infection occur?

Known since childhood, the rule of washing hands before eating is not the only warning about the source of dangerous infections. Dirty fingers and palms are the fastest way for worms to enter the body, so special attention is paid to it. The mechanism of infection by body helminths has been thoroughly studied by medicine, therefore, a civilized person should be aware of other sources of a latent threat:

  • pets - the larvae of the parasite are found not only in the feces that fall to the ground, but then in the human body through dirty hands. They are placed on fur, and when everyone's favorite animal moves freely around the house, sleeps on sofas and beds, as a family member, he inadvertently leaves worm eggs on carpets, toys, furniture. The danger lies in the fact that the viability of larvae, for example, roundworms without settling in a favorable environment, is up to 6 months. Therefore, the presence of a cat or dog in the home requires parents and children to take parasite pills for humans;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs - both newly selected from the garden and displayed on the shelves of shops, markets, on the surface of which could get contaminated soil with poisons;
  • Private and public baths - visiting the toilets requires thorough hand washing after performing the necessary procedures;
  • Vegetable gardens, summer huts, fields, sandboxes for children are the main source of the spread of roundworms (worms and ascaris), for the pharmaceutical treatment of which offer such pills against parasites as Pirantel, Levamisole, Mebendazole and others.
  • fresh meat and fish - pollution occurs due to inadequate or insufficient heat treatment of these products;
  • drinking water from unpleasant sources;
  • swimming in water bodies that are in the vicinity of the cattle grazing area;
  • flies and other insects that carry parasite larvae in their paws.

Medical practice shows that the peak of helminthic infestation occurs in spring and autumn, therefore, at this time, every home medicine cabinet should have pills against parasites in the human body.

parasites can be caused by animals

Knowledge about the nature of the origin and habitat of helminths states that favorable climatic conditions are necessary for the development of parasites. But infection can occur anywhere in the world, even in the perpetual cold of Antarctica, if you eat an unwashed apple delivered from the Great Earth.

Remedies for parasites in the human body: tablets and the principle of treatment

According to World Health Organization (WHO) statistics each year, helminthic infection affects more than 1. 2 billion people and there are about 4. 3 billion people permanently infected. More often than others, as a form of helminthiasis, there is non-kotorosis, worm infection, ascariasis. At the same time, high levels of infection are a major factor in the rapid spread of the disease.

At first glance, the "childish" problem has more "adult" consequences. The disease affects the physical and emotional development of children and the condition of adults. Helminths, parasitizing the body and disrupting the normal functioning of the body, weaken the immune system, make a person sluggish, reduce his ability to work and resistance to somatic diseases.

This uncomfortable "neighborhood" that causes constant newspapers affects productivity. Hardly hard to believe, but helminthic invasion ranks fourth in the ranking of diseases that are the "culprit" of tangible economic damage.

Therefore, modern medicine and pharmaceuticals had the task of finding effective pills for parasites in the body of children and adults, so that intestinal helminthiasis does not become a new century epidemic.

The main principle of action of the drug is the influence of the parasite in the form of blockage of its muscular and digestive system by suppressing the metabolic function of glucose in worm cells.

The start of anthelmintic therapy is preceded by diagnostic measures that will help establish the type of worms and prescribe a competent treatment.

Which pills do parasitologists recommend?

Types of helminths A medicine do Contraindications
Round worms (worm worms, round worms) Albendazole, Pirantel, Mebendazole, Levamisole Have a paralyzing effect on adult worms and completely disperse their remains It should not be taken by pregnant women; one day before taking alcohol; can cause diarrhea; have a toxic effect on the kidneys and liver.
Tape (bovine and porcine strips, echinococcus, broadworm)

Flat (opisthorchs)

Praziquantel, Niclosamide They affect adults, larvae and eggs, paralyze their activity.

The decay products of helminths cause severe intoxication of the body, so therapy is most often performed in a hospital under the supervision of a physician.

Drugs have a high degree of toxicity, therefore, complications in the liver, kidney and gastrointestinal tract are possible.

During the elimination of helminths and the rehabilitation period, supportive immunotherapy is required.

Traditional parasite tablets or alternative methods: which is better?

When a patient decides to take medication, he should realize that the composition of such drugs is unnatural substance obtained by chemical synthesis. Therefore, they can not be absolutely harmless, which the instructions for the drug will definitely indicate in the form of contraindications.

Frugal and safe for the body, including pregnant women and children, are popular recipes, which include natural products - garlic, onion, pumpkin, tansy, nuts and others. However, compared to parasite pills in the human body, they require preparation that requires time and longer administration.

Taking into account the wishes of patients seeking to remove toxins quickly and safely, special antiparasitic dietary supplements have been created that combine the outcome of medications and the harmlessness of natural ingredients.

The treatment of parasites in the human body, tablets for which are presented in the form of a dietary supplement, allows not only complete cleansing of the body from unwanted "guests". The special composition of the product becomes a reliable protection for the organs and systems of the body from the penetration of worms. Therefore, therapy is at the same time prevention, allowing you to create an unfavorable environment for the entry and development of different types of worms.

Dietary supplements have virtually no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the ingredients, they are pleasant to the taste and are easy to use. This makes them a worthy alternative to traditional medicine, allowing you to solve the "inappropriate" problem quickly and easily.